Package io.github.blyznytsiaorg.bibernate.annotation
package io.github.blyznytsiaorg.bibernate.annotation
Annotation InterfacesClassDescriptionSpecifies the mapping of an entity attribute to a database column.Indicates that the annotated field should be automatically populated with the timestamp of entity creation.Indicates that the annotated entity should use dynamic update behavior, where only modified fields are included in the SQL update statement.Indicates that the annotated field represents a foreign key constraint in a database table.Indicates that the annotated entity is immutable, meaning its state cannot be changed after creation.Indicates that the annotated entity should have an index created on specified columns.Specifies a column for joining an entity association.Specifies a join table for defining a many-to-many association between two entities.Annotation used to specify a many-to-many relationship between entities.Indicates that the annotated parameter is a named parameter for a method or constructor.Indicates that the annotated method represents a query.Indicates that the annotated class represents a database table.Indicates that the annotated field represents a timestamp that should be updated automatically upon entity modification.Indicates that the annotated field represents a version attribute used for optimistic locking.