Package io.github.blyznytsiaorg.bibernate.entity.metadata.model
package io.github.blyznytsiaorg.bibernate.entity.metadata.model
ClassesClassDescriptionRepresents metadata about a column in an entity, including its name, database type, uniqueness, nullability, column definition, and other properties.Represents metadata for a creation timestamp in an entity, indicating that the associated field is automatically populated with the timestamp of the entity's creation.Represents metadata for a generated value in an entity, indicating that the associated field's value is generated automatically upon entity creation.Represents metadata for the primary key (ID) of an entity.Represents metadata for an index associated with an entity.Represents metadata for a join column in a database table.Represents metadata for a join table in a database.Represents metadata for a Many-to-Many relationship between entities.Represents metadata for a Many-to-One relationship between entities.Represents metadata for a One-to-Many relationship between entities.Represents metadata for a One-to-One relationship between entities.Represents metadata for a sequence generator used in entity mapping.Represents metadata for an update timestamp used in entity mapping.