Annotation Interface Autowired

@Target({FIELD,CONSTRUCTOR,METHOD}) @Retention(RUNTIME) public @interface Autowired
Annotation indicating that a field, constructor, or method should be autowired by the Bring IoC container. This annotation can be applied to fields, constructors, and methods in a Bring bean class to let Bring automatically inject the dependencies at runtime. When applied to a field, the Bring IoC container will automatically inject a compatible bean, resolved by type, into the annotated field. When applied to a constructor, the container will use constructor injection to provide the required dependencies. If applied to a method, the container will invoke the method after initializing the bean, injecting the necessary dependencies into the method parameters. This annotation is part of the Bring Framework's dependency injection mechanism, enabling the creation of loosely coupled and easily testable components. When we have a class possesses only one constructor, explicitly adding the @Autowired annotation isn't mandatory. Bring inherently knows which constructor to invoke and handles it accordingly. For classes with multiple constructors, it becomes imperative to specify to Bring which constructor should be utilized through the @Autowired annotation. This annotation acts as a directive for Bing to identify and use the designated constructor to resolve dependencies properly. This way, when Bring encounters multiple constructors within a class, the @Autowired annotation guides it in selecting the appropriate constructor for dependency resolution.
Blyzhnytsia Team