Annotation Interface PostConstruct

@Retention(RUNTIME) @Target(METHOD) public @interface PostConstruct

The PostConstruct annotation is used on a method that needs to be executed after dependency injection is done to perform any initialization. This method is called immediately after the bean's properties have been set and the bean has been placed into the Bring container.

Methods annotated with @PostConstruct are invoked only once in the bean's lifecycle, and they provide a convenient way to initialize resources or perform any setup logic that is required before the bean is ready for use.

The method annotated with @PostConstruct must be non-static and should not have any parameters, as it is meant to be an initialization callback method for the bean instance. If multiple methods are annotated with @PostConstruct within a single class, the order of execution is not guaranteed.


 import com.bobocode.bring.core.annotation.PostConstruct;

 public class ExampleBean {

     private String message;

     public void init() {
         message = "Hello, this is an example!";
         // Additional initialization logic

     public String getMessage() {
         return message;

In this example, the init method will be automatically invoked after the ExampleBean is constructed, providing a way to perform custom initialization logic.

Blyzhnytsia Team