Package com.bobocode.bring.core.context.impl

package com.bobocode.bring.core.context.impl
  • Classes
    Registry class responsible for: Registering beans by bean name and bean definition: The bean name is created using AnnotationResolver and is the key of the DefaultBringBeanFactory.beanDefinitionMap.
    Responsible for creating beans and injecting dependencies into these beans based on provided definitions.
    The BringApplicationContext class represents the core context for managing and initializing the Bring application's beans.
    Responsible for facilitating constructor-based dependency injection, the ConstructorBeanInjection class assists in creating beans by instantiating classes through constructors annotated with @Autowired or utilizing a single constructor without explicit @Autowired.
    Default implementation of the BringBeanFactory interface providing basic bean management functionalities.
    Responsible for injecting dependencies into fields of a bean using annotations like @Autowired or @Value.
    Responsible for injecting dependencies into setter methods of a bean using the @Autowired annotation.