Annotation Interface ResponseStatus

@Retention(RUNTIME) @Target({TYPE,METHOD}) public @interface ResponseStatus
Annotation for marking a class or method with the desired HTTP response status code and optional reason. When applied to a method or exception, the specified HTTP status code and reason will be used for the response. When both ResponseEntity and @ResponseStatus are used in a controller method, the HTTP status from ResponseEntity takes precedence over the one specified by @ResponseStatus.

Example usage:

1. Applied to a method:

 public String createResource() {
        // Method implementation

 This sets the HTTP response status code to 201 (Created) for the annotated method.
2. Custom Exception Usage:
    public class CustomAppException extends RuntimeException {

        // Constructors...
    public String exampleEndpoint() {
        // Some logic that might throw the custom exception
        if (true) {
            throw new CustomAppException("Custom exception occurred.");
        // Rest of the method logic
        return "Success";
In this example, if the condition is met and the CustomAppException is thrown, the response will have a status of 500 (INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR). You can customize the CustomAppException class to include any additional information you need in your application-specific exceptions.

Note: If a reason is provided, it will be included in the response alongside the status code.

Blyzhnytsia Team
See Also:
  • Optional Element Summary

    Optional Elements
    Modifier and Type
    Optional Element
    The optional reason associated with the response status.
    The HTTP response status code.
  • Element Details

    • value

      HttpStatus value
      The HTTP response status code.
      The HTTP status code (default is INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR).
    • reason

      String reason
      The optional reason associated with the response status.
      The reason for the response status (default is an empty string).