All Classes and Interfaces

Defines the set of cascadable operations that are propagated to the associated entity.
Marks a class as an entity for mapping in the Bibernate framework.
Annotation processor for validating requirements on classes annotated with the Entity annotation.
Enumeration representing the fetching strategy used to load related entities in a relational mapping.
Marks a field as being generated by the database upon insertion.
Enumeration representing different strategies for generating values for annotated fields marked with GeneratedValue.
Marks a field as the identifier (primary key) of an entity class.
Marks a class as being ignored for entity mapping in the Bibernate framework.
Indicates a Many-to-One association between entities.
Indicates a One-to-Many association between entities.
Specifies a one-to-one relationship between two entities.
Specifies a sequence generator for generating values for annotated fields marked with GeneratedValue using the GenerationType.SEQUENCE strategy.