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ALL - Enum constant in enum class io.github.blyznytsiaorg.bibernate.annotation.enumeration.CascadeType
Cascade all operations
allocationSize() - Element in annotation interface io.github.blyznytsiaorg.bibernate.annotation.SequenceGenerator
Specifies the size of the allocation block for the sequence.


cascade() - Element in annotation interface io.github.blyznytsiaorg.bibernate.annotation.ManyToOne
Defines the cascade operations to be applied to the associated entity when operations are performed on the owning entity.
cascade() - Element in annotation interface io.github.blyznytsiaorg.bibernate.annotation.OneToMany
Defines the cascade operations to be applied to the associated entities when operations are performed on the owning entity.
cascade() - Element in annotation interface io.github.blyznytsiaorg.bibernate.annotation.OneToOne
Defines the cascade behavior for the relationship.
CascadeType - Enum Class in io.github.blyznytsiaorg.bibernate.annotation.enumeration
Defines the set of cascadable operations that are propagated to the associated entity.
CascadeType() - Constructor for enum class io.github.blyznytsiaorg.bibernate.annotation.enumeration.CascadeType


EAGER - Enum constant in enum class io.github.blyznytsiaorg.bibernate.annotation.enumeration.FetchType
Indicates that related entities should be loaded eagerly, i.e., at the same time as the owning entity.
entities - Variable in class io.github.blyznytsiaorg.bibernate.EntityRequirementProcessor
Entity - Annotation Interface in io.github.blyznytsiaorg.bibernate.annotation
Marks a class as an entity for mapping in the Bibernate framework.
entityAnnotations - Variable in class io.github.blyznytsiaorg.bibernate.EntityRequirementProcessor
EntityRequirementProcessor - Class in io.github.blyznytsiaorg.bibernate
Annotation processor for validating requirements on classes annotated with the Entity annotation.
EntityRequirementProcessor() - Constructor for class io.github.blyznytsiaorg.bibernate.EntityRequirementProcessor


fetch() - Element in annotation interface io.github.blyznytsiaorg.bibernate.annotation.ManyToOne
Defines the fetching strategy to be used when retrieving the associated entity.
fetch() - Element in annotation interface io.github.blyznytsiaorg.bibernate.annotation.OneToOne
Defines the fetching strategy used to load the related entity.
FetchType - Enum Class in io.github.blyznytsiaorg.bibernate.annotation.enumeration
Enumeration representing the fetching strategy used to load related entities in a relational mapping.
FetchType() - Constructor for enum class io.github.blyznytsiaorg.bibernate.annotation.enumeration.FetchType


GeneratedValue - Annotation Interface in io.github.blyznytsiaorg.bibernate.annotation
Marks a field as being generated by the database upon insertion.
GenerationType - Enum Class in io.github.blyznytsiaorg.bibernate.annotation
Enumeration representing different strategies for generating values for annotated fields marked with GeneratedValue.
GenerationType() - Constructor for enum class io.github.blyznytsiaorg.bibernate.annotation.GenerationType
generator() - Element in annotation interface io.github.blyznytsiaorg.bibernate.annotation.GeneratedValue
Specifies the name of the generator to use (if applicable).


hasNoArgsConstructor(TypeElement) - Method in class io.github.blyznytsiaorg.bibernate.EntityRequirementProcessor
Checks if a class has a no-args constructor (constructor without parameters).
hasRelationAnnotationOnEntityField(TypeElement) - Method in class io.github.blyznytsiaorg.bibernate.EntityRequirementProcessor
Checks if any field of the specified class has an annotation related to entity relationships.


Id - Annotation Interface in io.github.blyznytsiaorg.bibernate.annotation
Marks a field as the identifier (primary key) of an entity class.
IDENTITY - Enum constant in enum class io.github.blyznytsiaorg.bibernate.annotation.GenerationType
Values are generated by the database upon insertion.
IgnoreEntity - Annotation Interface in io.github.blyznytsiaorg.bibernate.annotation
Marks a class as being ignored for entity mapping in the Bibernate framework.
init(ProcessingEnvironment) - Method in class io.github.blyznytsiaorg.bibernate.EntityRequirementProcessor
Initializes the annotation processor by obtaining the Messager from the processing environment.
initialValue() - Element in annotation interface io.github.blyznytsiaorg.bibernate.annotation.SequenceGenerator
Specifies the initial value for the sequence.
io.github.blyznytsiaorg.bibernate - package io.github.blyznytsiaorg.bibernate
io.github.blyznytsiaorg.bibernate.annotation - package io.github.blyznytsiaorg.bibernate.annotation
io.github.blyznytsiaorg.bibernate.annotation.enumeration - package io.github.blyznytsiaorg.bibernate.annotation.enumeration
isIdAnnotatedField(Element) - Method in class io.github.blyznytsiaorg.bibernate.EntityRequirementProcessor
Checks if a field is annotated with Id.
isMismatchInGeneratorName(Element) - Method in class io.github.blyznytsiaorg.bibernate.EntityRequirementProcessor
Checks if there is a mismatch in generator names between @GeneratedValue and @SequenceGenerator annotations.


LAZY - Enum constant in enum class io.github.blyznytsiaorg.bibernate.annotation.enumeration.FetchType
Indicates that related entities should be loaded lazily, i.e., only when they are explicitly accessed or requested.


ManyToOne - Annotation Interface in io.github.blyznytsiaorg.bibernate.annotation
Indicates a Many-to-One association between entities.
mappedBy() - Element in annotation interface io.github.blyznytsiaorg.bibernate.annotation.OneToMany
The field that owns the relationship.
mappedBy() - Element in annotation interface io.github.blyznytsiaorg.bibernate.annotation.OneToOne
The name of the field in the inverse side of the relationship.
messager - Variable in class io.github.blyznytsiaorg.bibernate.EntityRequirementProcessor
The Messager used for reporting diagnostic messages during the annotation processing.


name() - Element in annotation interface io.github.blyznytsiaorg.bibernate.annotation.SequenceGenerator
Specifies the name of the sequence generator.
NONE - Enum constant in enum class io.github.blyznytsiaorg.bibernate.annotation.GenerationType
No generation strategy is applied.


OneToMany - Annotation Interface in io.github.blyznytsiaorg.bibernate.annotation
Indicates a One-to-Many association between entities.
OneToOne - Annotation Interface in io.github.blyznytsiaorg.bibernate.annotation
Specifies a one-to-one relationship between two entities.


process(Set<? extends TypeElement>, RoundEnvironment) - Method in class io.github.blyznytsiaorg.bibernate.EntityRequirementProcessor
Processes the annotated elements and performs validation checks on classes annotated with @Entity.


REMOVE - Enum constant in enum class io.github.blyznytsiaorg.bibernate.annotation.enumeration.CascadeType
Cascade remove operation


SEQUENCE - Enum constant in enum class io.github.blyznytsiaorg.bibernate.annotation.GenerationType
Values are generated using a sequence.
SequenceGenerator - Annotation Interface in io.github.blyznytsiaorg.bibernate.annotation
Specifies a sequence generator for generating values for annotated fields marked with GeneratedValue using the GenerationType.SEQUENCE strategy.
sequenceName() - Element in annotation interface io.github.blyznytsiaorg.bibernate.annotation.SequenceGenerator
Specifies the name of the database sequence to be used.
strategy() - Element in annotation interface io.github.blyznytsiaorg.bibernate.annotation.GeneratedValue
Specifies the generation strategy for the annotated field.


validate(Element) - Method in class io.github.blyznytsiaorg.bibernate.EntityRequirementProcessor
Validates the requirements on a class annotated with @Entity.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class io.github.blyznytsiaorg.bibernate.annotation.enumeration.CascadeType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class io.github.blyznytsiaorg.bibernate.annotation.enumeration.FetchType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class io.github.blyznytsiaorg.bibernate.annotation.GenerationType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum class io.github.blyznytsiaorg.bibernate.annotation.enumeration.CascadeType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class io.github.blyznytsiaorg.bibernate.annotation.enumeration.FetchType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class io.github.blyznytsiaorg.bibernate.annotation.GenerationType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
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