All Classes and Interfaces

Controller responsible for managing actuator endpoints.
Service interface for providing actuator information.
Marker interface used to identify classes that need to be implemented to be used as REST controllers.
The BringWebApplication class provides static methods for running the Bring application context.
Represents information about a Git commit.
Exception thrown when a connector configured to listen on a specific port fails to start.
Indicates that the annotated class is a controller.
An implementation of AnnotationResolver used for resolving bean names associated with classes annotated with @Controller.
Implementation of ClassPathScanner that scans for classes annotated with @Controller using Reflections.
Default implementation of the ActuatorService interface.
Implementation of the StaticResourceService interface for handling static resource requests.
Annotation for mapping HTTP DELETE requests onto specific handler methods.
The DeleteParamsResolver class implements the RequestParamsResolver interface to handle the @DeleteMapping annotation.
The DispatcherServlet class extends FrameworkServlet and serves as the central dispatcher for handling HTTP requests in a RESTful web application.
The ErrorResponse class represents an object containing details about an error response.
The ErrorResponseCreator class is responsible for creating instances of ErrorResponse.
The FrameworkServlet is an abstract class that extends HttpServlet and provides a base implementation for handling HTTP requests in a framework.
Annotation for mapping HTTP GET requests onto specific handler methods.
The GetParamsResolver class implements the RequestParamsResolver interface to handle the @GetMapping annotation.
Represents information about Git.
The HttpHeaders class represents a collection of HTTP headers.
Enumeration containing common HTTP header names.
The HttpServletRequestUtils class provides utility methods for working with HttpServletRequest.
Enumeration representing HTTP status codes as defined in the HTTP/1.1 specification.
Component for handling exceptions and generating JSON error responses.
Utility class for changing the log level of a specific package.
Utility class for representing common media types used in HTTP requests and responses.
The MethodArgumentTypeMismatchException class is a runtime exception that indicates a failure to convert a method argument to the required type.
The MissingApplicationMappingException class is a runtime exception that indicates the absence of an explicit mapping for a particular request path in the application.
The MissingBringServletImplException class is a runtime exception that indicates the absence of the implementation of the BringServlet interface in a RestController.
The MissingRequestHeaderAnnotationValueException class is a runtime exception that indicates the absence of a required value for the @RequestHeader in a method parameter.
The MissingRequestParamException class is a runtime exception that indicates the absence of a required request parameter for a method parameter type annotated with @RequestParam.
The ParameterTypeUtils class is a utility class that provides methods for parsing path variables to their corresponding parameter types.
Annotation for mapping HTTP PATCH requests onto specific handler methods.
Annotation used to indicate that a method parameter should be bound to a URI template variable.
Annotation for mapping HTTP POST requests onto specific handler methods.
The PostParamsResolver class implements the RequestParamsResolver interface to handle the @PostMapping annotation.
DTO class representing system properties data.
Annotation for mapping HTTP PUT requests onto specific handler methods.
The PutParamsResolver class implements the RequestParamsResolver interface to handle the @PutMapping annotation.
The ReflectionUtils class is a utility class providing methods for reflection-related operations.
Annotation used to indicate that a method parameter should be bound to the body of the HTTP request.
The RequestBodyTypeUnsupportedException class is a runtime exception that indicates an unsupported type for the @RequestBody annotation.
Annotation used to indicate that a method parameter should be bound to a specific HTTP request header.
Annotation used to indicate the mapping of a request to a specific controller class.
Enumeration representing the standard HTTP methods.
Annotation used to indicate that a method parameter should be bound to a query parameter in a web request.
The RequestParamsResolver interface provides methods for resolving request parameters in the web context of a @RestController.
The RequestPathDuplicateException class is a runtime exception that indicates the presence of duplicate request paths in the application.
Represents an HTTP response entity, containing a response body, headers, and HTTP status.
Annotation for marking a class or method with the desired HTTP response status code and optional reason.
Indicates that the annotated class is a specialized type of controller designed for RESTful services.
An implementation of AnnotationResolver specifically designed for resolving bean names associated with classes annotated with @RestController.
A BeanPostProcessor implementation that processes bean initialization annotated with @RestController.
Implementation of ClassPathScanner that scans for classes annotated with @RestController using Reflections.
The RestControllerContext class represents the context for managing REST controllers and their associated parameters in a web application.
The RestControllerParams record represents parameters associated with a method in a web controller.
The RestControllerParamsUtil class is a utility class providing methods for extracting RestControllerParams information from a BringServlet using a list of RequestParamsResolvers.
The RestControllerProcessResult record represents the result of processing a method in a web controller.
Configuration properties for the web server.
A factory interface for creating and configuring servlet-based web servers.
Exception thrown when a static file is not found.
Controller responsible for handling static resource requests.
Interface defining methods for handling static resource requests.
ServletWebServerFactory implementation for Apache Tomcat.
Implementation of the WebServer interface for the Apache Tomcat server.
The TypeArgumentUnsupportedException class is a runtime exception that indicates the usage of an unsupported type argument.
The WebServer interface defines basic lifecycle methods to manage the server's state, including starting and stopping.
Configuration class for setting up and customizing the web server and related beans.
RuntimeException used to represent generic exceptions related to web server operations.
The WebStarter class is responsible for initializing and running a web application using Apache Tomcat as the embedded servlet container.